SARS official in prison for taking bribes to export Rolex watches

SARS official in prison for taking bribes to export Rolex watches


A South African Revenue Service (SARS) employee has been sentenced for unsuspicious bribes to export Rolex watches.


The SARS official, Malatse Kolokoto, worked at Customs at the OR Tambo International Airport.

Back in 2019, he wonted bribes from a Hong Kong citizen. In mart for cash, Kolokoto helped Kin-Man Tran to deal in Rolex watches.

The National Prosecuting Validity (NPA) said this was versus the provisions of the Customs Act.

But Kolokoto was unprotected red-handed through CCTV footage. The footage showed the SARS official meeting with the Hong Kong citizen, Tran, at international departures at the airport, spokesperson Phindi Mjonondwane said.

“During the said meeting, the accused received documentation from Tran and although off-duty, headed to a Customs workstation and stamped the documentation. The accused returned and handed the documentation when to Tran.”

Phindi Mjonondwane

According to SARS, Tran was apprehended by a Customs official as he was well-nigh to leave on an international flight.

“He was requested to declare all goods at his disposal whereupon he produced six Rolex wristwatches from his walkabout without any declaration form. He was arrested, which later led to the trespassing of the accused,” SARS said.

A SARS Customs official was unprotected at the OR Tambo International Airport profitable a Hong Kong resider to deal in Rolex watches. PHOTO:

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The SARS employee was sentenced to seven years imprisonment for self-indulgence by the Palm Ridge Magistrates Court on Thursday.

He was moreover convicted of contravening the Prevention and Combating of Corrupt Activities Act for unsuspicious gratification as a public officer, said Mjonondwane.

Senior State Advocate Marius Oosthuizen pleaded with the magistrate to impose a sentence that will serve to deter self-indulgence among public officers.

“Oosthuizen argued that Kolokoto’s self-mastery as a public officer was to be judged on a higher standard. His deportment of unsuspicious gratification in return for the incomplete and irregular exercise of his duties required an towardly sanction. He argued that Malatse longwinded his position of validity to enrich himself at the forfeit of the State,” said Mjonondwane.

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SARS Commissioner Edward Kieswetter commended the mettlesome Customs officer for not only noticing Tran but for moreover withstanding Kolokoto.

“True to SARS value of honesty, integrity and vicarial without fear, favour or prejudice, the SARS Customs Officer resisted to interreact with misdeed or squint the other way when one of his fellow officers make-believe undisciplined to these values.”

“SARS is placed in a position of trust to ensure that the laws we supervise are laws scrupulously and diligently implemented. Anyone who abuses this position of trust, deserves the heaviest sentence,” said Kieswetter.